April 11, 2010

Jung Min is in Taiwan now!!!!!!!!

CREDITS: abc3064300@TripleS.tw.com
2010.04.10 08:37 pm

韓國人氣團體SS501成員朴政玟,今晚突然現身台北小巨蛋,欣賞庾澄慶演唱會,引起粉絲、媒體一陣騷動。 朴政玟此行原是私密行程,只低調由兩位友人陪同隨行,他表示,最近剛好有假期,受柴智屏邀約來台看哈林演唱會,順便觀光。雖然服裝刻意低調,還戴了帽子,但從機場到101、度小月餐廳等地,都被粉絲認出,團團包圍。

Translation: Chrystalteo@SGtripleS

SS501 member, Park JungMin appeared tonight (10 April) at Taipei Arena to watch Harlem Yu's concert, creating a stir amongst fans and reporters. Park JungMin was supposed to be on a secret tour, and only accompanied by two friends. He says that because recently they are on vacation, he received Chai Zhi Bin's (Taiwan famous producer) invitation to watch Harlem Yu's concert, and also sightsee at the same time. Although he purposely dress down, and also wore a hat, however, from airport to Taipei 101, restaurant, etc, he's recognised and surrounded by fans.

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