May 19, 2010

Kyu Jong's message on SS501 official site

Korean to English Translation :

[Kyu Jong] Aigoo! Aigoo!! Pretties. Hi~~ 2010-05-18 PM 11:50:04

It's been a long time~~
Thank you for your concern about Hyun Joongie Hyung.
um...although it's not happy news so i'm depressed.
I'm sure many of you worry about him so that Hyun Joongie Hyung will get better soon. right?
Haha~ umum.. we, OhGongDolie are preparing deligently.
We are preparing many things.
Leader Hyun Joongie Hyung is working hard though he feels pain, our Young Saengie Hyung is also working hard in sweat.
our horse Jung Min is seriously working harder unusually!
Our youngest Hyung Joon is just making a fun... ah~ What am I supposed to do to him? hahaha
Just kidding~ Hyung Joon with nimble mind radiobroadcasts and practices dance.
He has got a good memory at dance choreography.
It's been raining from yesterday. When it rains, our practice is stifling due to humidity.
but it feels very cool when I'm exposed to rain after finishing practice. It's not exciting that we live our life as planned all the time. Is it?
There are variables occasionally.
That's interesting. ^^
Let's pray for Hyun Joong's recovery.
And one more pray for other memeber's health.
And I'll pray for you pretties' health.
Being healthy is always priority so you should take care of yourselves!
Work hard what you do! Having a good time..and..WE!!!!
are gonna make you surprise!! Tada~~!!! I'm waiting for the moment we will meet with a pounding heart.
I'm happy it rained today.
Whenever it rains I think of you pretty green peas. ^^ And you?!!
Anyway Anyway!! I'm going now ^^
Bye~~ I'll be back soon!!
My clear sky after rain has stopped~~

[규종] 아이구 아이구 !! ^^ 이쁜이들 안녕... ㅎ

2010-05-18 오후 11:50:04

참 !! 현중이형 걱정 많이 해주셔서 감사합니다.. 음.. 기쁜일이 아니어서 속상하긴하지만..
많은 분들이 걱정해주시는 만큼 현중이형도 금방 괜찮아 질거예요!! 그쵸 ?^^
하하~ 음음 우리 오공돌이..열심히 준비중이예요 ^^
정말 많이 준비하고있답니다.
아픈몸을 이끌구 리다 현중이형두 열심히구 우리 영생이형도 땀 뻘뻘 열심히구!
우리 말 정민이도 여느떄보다 더욱 진지하게 열심히이구!
우리 막내 형준이는 장난만치고... 아... 이놈 어쩔까요...ㅎㅎㅎ
농담이구요~ 형준이는 남보다 빠른 두뇌로 라디오도 하며 안무를 빨리 외워가며 연습한답니다~~
어제 오늘은 비가 내리내요 ^^ 비오는날 지하 연습실은 습기가 많이 차서 답답하긴 한데..
연습 끝내고 나올때 살짝 맞는 비는 다른 비보다 너무 시원해요 ^^ ㅎ
음음.. 살아가며 늘 계획한대로 된다면 재미없잖아요 그쵸 ?^^ 가끔 변수도 있기 마련이죠~
그게 재밋잖아요 ..^^ 현중이형 빨리 완쾌되도록 다들 두 손 모아 기도해요 ㅎ
그리고 다른 멤버들 아프지말게 두 손 모아 한번더 기도해요 우리 ^^!
그리고 우리이쁜이들도 아프지않게 두 손 모아 기도할께요..^^
항상 건강이 우선이니까 몸 관리 잘하구요!
하는 일 열심히하고 ! 시간 알뜰하게 잘 보내고있으면 우리가!
쨘 !!!!!!! 하고 깜짝 놀라게 해드릴꼐요 ^^ 빨리 만날 생각에 두근두근 한답니다~~
비내리는 오늘 너무 좋네요..^^
비가 오면 우리멤버들 우리이쁜완두콩들 생각나요..^^ 여러분도 그렇죠?!! ^^
아무튼아무튼!! 저는 이만 뿅뿅 갈께요 ^^
안녕~~ 금방 다시 올께요!!
비온뒤 갠 나의 sky ~~


Belle said...

Lois, your Kyutie is so so so sweet. Makes me smile non stop reading his message. Thanks for translating and sharing with us.

Hugs, Belle

lois said...

Hi Belle!!!
We are here at the same time! ^^
oh I love that word "my Kyutie". hahahaha
I just received samsung card monthly bill and saw Hyun Joong's photo on the replete. I'm gonna send you it too.


Belle said...


^^ Belle