September 05, 2011

Kyu Jong at Go! Dream Team!

The venue of recording is quite far from main cities such as Seoul, Busan and etc. in Korea.
Huge thanks to the fans who've been there.
I was told a lot of fans went there and had so much fun with Kyu Jong.
He made eye contact with fans and smiled at them.
The players at Dream Team distributed some drinks to audiences during recording and
some of lucky fans received it from our prince Kyu Jong!!!
I've heard he did jump rope and fall into the water.
Can't wait to see it on TV.

Please give a proper credit when you repost it.

Image credit : He,Story (

Wow~ So hot!

Image credit : 김규종 First Mind (

Super cute!!!!

Video credit : 안녕, 왕자님 (


etet said...

OMG.... That smile!!!! And that pout!!!!!
So Kyute!!!!

LOL... this is the second time I'm writing this so excited when I saw the pics (cus I wanted to go back to them) that I forgot to hit 'publish'....

fowbwsf said...

I'm glad that he is back!!!! thanks for sharing Lois! :)