October 07, 2011

How to attend Kyu Jong's pre-recording of SBS Inkigayo

B2M just announced that Kyu Jong woud have a pre-recording for SBS Inkigayo on this Sunday. Here is my summary.

Korean to English Translation : loiskr.blogspot.com


2011년 10월 9일 일요일 SBS 인기가요 참여 안내입니다.
아래의 공지를 잘 숙지하시어 참여해 주세요.
여러분의 많은 참여바랍니다!

** SBS 인기가요 **
일시 : 2011년 10월 9일 (일)
사전녹화시작 : PM 12:30
장소 : SBS 등촌 공개홀
FAN STAFF 도착시간 : AM 10:30
사전녹화 입장 가능 인원 : 300명

When : Oct. 9, 2011 (Sun)
Pre-recording will be starting at 12:30 pm
Venue : SBS DeungChon Open Studio
FAN STAFF will arrive at 10:30 am.
Available seats : 300

[ FAN 확인 방법 및 입장 순서 ]

1순위 - 김규종 공식팬클럽 ThanKYU 회원 (회원정보페이지 인쇄물 또는 입금증 + 신분증 지참)
김규종 미니앨범 [TURN ME ON] 전곡 다운 내역 인쇄물 (5대음원사이트 중 1곳) +
김규종 미니앨범 [TURN ME ON] CD (자켓 및 CD 완품) + 오피셜 팬라이트

2순위 - 국내거주(내/외국인) : ThanKYU 회원 + 음원사이트 전곡 다운로드 내역서 (1곳)
+ 김규종 미니앨범 [TURN ME ON] CD (자켓 및 CD 완품)
해외거주(외국인) : 공식홈페이지 회원 (개인정보페이지 인쇄물 + 여권지참)
+ 김규종 미니앨범[TURN ME ON] CD (자켓 및 CD 완품)

[ How to enter ]

1st priority
- Kyu Jong's official Fan Club ThanKYU member (To show you are a ThanKYU memeber, you should print out the membership info page at Kyu Jong's official homepage. You will see modify button on the right side. Just click it and your membership level will be seen like this. [회원등급 공식팬클럽회원] It means [Membership Level : Official Fanclub Member] who paid memebership fee.)
and your ID card.
- Print out the screen shot to show that you downloaded KJ's album at music streaming sites
- Bring Kyu Jong's album (Real CD) & Kyu Jong's official penlight + Your mobile phone ring tone (from commercial site only. They don't admit the ring tone made by your self).

2nd priority
Korean or Foreigners who live in Korea
- ThanKYU member + Print out the screen shot to show that you downloaded KJ's album at music streaming sites + Kyu Jong's Mini Album Turn Me On CD
Foreigners who live in overseas
- Kyu Jong's official home page member (print out the screen shot of your membership info page of KJ's official site + your passport) + Kyu Jong's Mini Album Turn Me On CD

You can use Kyu Jong's official penlight only.

[How to get to the SBS DeungChon Open studio]
It's located near by GaYang Station. (Line No. 9)
Let's support him with our best!

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