June 09, 2010

Let's hear what our boys say at ShimShimTaPa

I just came back from Open concert.
Our boys were gorgeous!!!!!
They perfomed Love Ya & Let Me Be The One.
Also they sang several childrens' song with childern.
All of them were absolutely cute & adorable.

It's 11:56 pm here in Korea.
Our boys will be shown at ShimShimTapa in 10 minutes and it will be aired with web cam.
Even if you can't see web cam, you may hear ShimShimTapa in real time by following URL.
You need Window Media Player to open it.
Let's hear our boys' voices.


1 comment:

liezle said...

Lois you were at the open concert? I was there too!!! Geez, i should have known and meet you there and introduced you to some friends from Singapore and Malaysia.

Anyway, I got your message from where I'm staying and will try to call you tomorrow, k?
